Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras

Featured on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras outline a path for obtaining divine oneness, self-realization or, as Nicolai Bachman says, in his book The Path of the Yoga Sutras, a deep understanding of the core of who you are. Among yogis and spiritual seekers, this...

Panchakarma – A Rebirth

Featured on Elephant Journal As a yoga teacher and student of Ayurveda, doing a Panchakarma was something I had dreamed about for many years. Panchakarama is a commitment of energy and resources though, and creating the space and time for the journey is essential....

Yoga in Goa

Featured on Goa: A Destination for Yoga, by Jodi Boone Each season, expatriates from the world over descend upon Goa, India to be a part of a culture that has left the modern world of haste behind. As so poignantly put by an expat friend of mine: Goa is not a...

A Return to Balance

Over a cup of tea, she told me how they found her tumor. Mira, a middle-aged woman with large blue eyes and a gentle smile, holds a Ph.D. in Organizational Development and works as an administrator for the Swedish Army. She explained how the stress and long hours of...


My friend, Tami, and I recently held a yoga holiday at a stunning retreat center in Tuscany called Ebbio. Named after a plant similar to elder blossom, which grows in abundance on the 300-acre national forest where the retreat lies, Ebbio is truly a magical place. In...